mandag 18. mai 2009


no, it is so hot that I consider taking me by the cardigans. And it happens rarely, very rarely. I hate that it will be the sun all the time, eg frustrated me simply over it. It is too hot, Russ will certainly be so dumb, you get the sun in the eye, get headaches, you must go in the little dress, the smell of grass, the smell / have lukta Gylling, it should be out, everyone else is out, it is a lot to do as usual, it is difficult to breathe, shit Hungarians everywhere and soon will just "do we swim?" smsane. Da, Da smeller it. When should I buy all the seasons of Seinfeld and be locked up in the living room until it pøsar down again.

YES, I'm in a bad mood. NO, we were not in English writing. YES, it is the Norwegian submission. Yes, I will be on the job imorra. YES, there is a gym imorra. NO, it had not great for science examination.
One day I will hire the 200 men / women who will do anything for me. We speak to wash my hair, brush my hair, my makeup, dress for me, wake me, clean for me, take the phone for me, open the door, do ALT skule work for me, eat me, drink for me.

Yes, I like "," and "." today. Actually, always, when I think about me.

eg ler OG så eg griner. I morra har eg sikkert 8-pack! støgt. Sjekk ut på Guro sin blogg og, jesus og allah

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